
  • 5 years ago

    Apr 09 - Assignments

    Easily create, request, and review student submissions inside your courses using our new Assignments lesson type.


    Manage submissions right inside Thinkific and have the option to approve, reject, or send feedback to your students about their work.

    Learn more about Thinkific Assignments »

  • 5 years ago

    Apr 03 - Reorder Download Lesson Files

    In our Downloads lesson, you can now re-order the files available for your students to download using our drag and drop feature.


  • 5 years ago

    Mar 29 - Bulk Enroll and Un-enroll

    Easily enroll a batch of students into a course with our new bulk enroll feature.


    Learn how to bulk enroll/un-enroll students »

  • 5 years ago

    Mar 29 - Import Students From A File

    Import a spreadsheet with a list of your student's first and last names to quickly create new user accounts for them on your Thinkific site.


    Learn more about importing students from a file »

  • 5 years ago

    Mar 22 - Constant Contact Integration

    Connect Thinkific to your Constant Contact account easily with our new integration!


    The integration will automatically add new students who sign up on your Thinkific school to a list in your Constant Contact account.

    Learn more here »