
  • 5 years ago

    Upload Multimedia Content

    If you use tools like Articulate, Storyline or iSpring to create your online course content, you can now upload that content to your Thinkific website and embed it in a Multimedia lesson!

    Learn more about this option »

  • 5 years ago

    Disable Copying & Pasting Text in Your Course

    If you are concerned about content security and want to prevent students from selecting and copying text within your course, you can now disable text copying at the course level.

    Disable text copying.png

    Learn more about this setting »

  • 5 years ago

    Aug 28 - Prevent PDF Downloads

    Did you you know you can make it more difficult for students to download your PDF content if you’d prefer it to not be shareable?

    PDF lessons are downloadable by default — if you opt not to make your PDF downloadable, it’ll now load in a special PDF viewer (rather than the browser default) with downloads disabled.

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    Learn more about PDF lessons »

  • 5 years ago

    Aug 6 - Custom Domain Improvements

    It’s now even easier to customize your Thinkific site with your own domain.

    Under “Site URL” in your Site Settings, you can add your custom domain (like “”) and you now have the option to set your domain to primary so students won’t ever see your “” subdomain.

    You can also add multiple domains if you want (although only one can be primary).

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    Learn more about custom domains »

  • 5 years ago

    Jul 23 - Draft Lesson Reminder

    How many times have you published a course only to realize one of your lessons was still in draft mode?

    To help make that a thing of the past, you'll now see a list of your draft lessons on your Publish page so you can be sure exactly what you're publishing:

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