
  • 5 years ago

    Feb 05 - Rename Sections in Site Builder

    Quickly find the section you're looking for by giving it a custom title in your site builder.

    Screen Recording 2019-02-05 at AM.gif

    If you've created a longer landing page and find it hard to remember which section is which, you can now rename the section to find it.

    Learn more here »

  • 5 years ago

    Jan 31 - Video Lesson Autoplay

    🎥 Easily enable video autoplay for all video lessons in your course!

    Videos will autoplay and automatically progress to the next lesson when the student finishes watching the video. At the end of the video lesson, we'll display a progress bar to indicate that the next lesson is coming up. You can enable this for all video lessons in a course with a single click!

    Learn more here »

  • 5 years ago

    Jan 29 - Viewed Lesson State for Students

    Students can now easily tell which lessons they've viewed but not yet completed.

    Image 2019-01-29 at 9.50.36 AM.png

    In the course player navigation, lessons that have been viewed but not completed will be marked with a highlighted circle. Once the lesson is complete, a checkmark will appear beside the lesson name.

    Learn more about the new & improved student experience here »

  • 5 years ago

    Jan 23 - New & Improved Student Experience

    Elevate your content above the competition with a completely redesigned student experience.


    Thinkific's next-generation course player has a new look, progress improvements (with even more coming soon), and now includes on-lesson Discussions!

    Learn more here »

  • 5 years ago

    Jan 22 - SEO In Site Builder

    Easily update your SEO values for your home page and custom pages with Site Builder!

    Screen Recording 2019-01-18 at PM.gif

    Customize your page title, description, and upload a thumbnail image to set what your landing pages look like when displayed in search engines or on social media.

    Learn more about customizing SEO values in Site Builder »