
  • 4 years ago

    The holidays are here ❄ Let it snow!

    Holiday mode is back! 🎉

    You can make it snow on your course website by selecting 'Let it snow!' in your Thinkific Settings.


    Once enabled, snow will appear on your landing pages, but not the course player or checkout. And it won't last forever - the snow will automatically stop falling January 2nd.

    🎁 Happy holidays from the Thinkific team 🎅

  • 4 years ago

    Shopify App

    You can now add Thinkific courses to any of your Shopify sales channels — eg. your online store, via buy button, or Instagram — because Thinkific now has a Shopify app!

    Learn how to connect your Shopify and Thinkific accounts »

    Once you have Shopify and Thinkific connected, when customers purchase your courses through any of your Shopify channels, the courses will be automatically fulfilled on the Thinkific side.

  • 4 years ago


    You can now easily build Communities — with posts and commenting from you and your audience — in Thinkific.

    Available on Pro plans and above, Communities let you engage your students in meaningful conversations and add even more value to your online courses.

    Learn more about Communities »


  • 4 years ago

    Lesson Complete Webhook

    The new lesson completed webhook allows advanced users to trigger actions outside of Thinkific on specific lesson completion.

    So, for example, you could trigger actions like emails, chatbots, or CRM updates based on things like Quiz or Assignment completion.

    Learn more about webhooks »

  • 5 years ago

    Updated Course Player

    Thinkific’s new and improved student experience got some small updates today to better focus attention on your content. Some padding has been removed from the player and we’ve updated the window height at which the branding bar moves from the top to the side.

    If you’re already using the new and improved student experience you’ll see these updates in your account today. If you haven’t switched over yet, learn more here »