
  • 5 years ago

    Jan 18 - Export multiple quiz & survey results

    Download the results of multiple quiz or survey lessons from your courses with a single click! πŸ“

    Screen Recording 2019-01-18 at PM.gif

    You can also sort your quiz & survey results by course and set a date range of the results you want to export.

    Learn more about the quiz & survey export Β»

  • 5 years ago

    Dec 06 - The holidays are here ❄ Let it snow!

    Holiday mode is back! πŸŽ‰

    You can make it snow on your course website by selecting 'Let it snow!' in your Thinkific Settings.


    Once enabled, snow will appear on your landing pages, but not the course player or checkout. And it won't last forever - the snow will automatically stop falling January 2nd.

    🎁 Happy holidays from the Thinkific team πŸŽ…

  • 5 years ago

    Nov 26 - Bundle Welcome Email

    On top of being able to send welcome emails for individual courses, you can now send welcome emails for your bundles!


    Learn more about setting up bundle welcome emails Β»

  • 5 years ago

    Nov 1 - Home Page Redirect

    You can now redirect the home page of your Thinkific site to any page you'd like (including all your Thinkific site pages, or external URLs).


    Just hit the Redirect button (shown above) from your home page in Site Builder. (Available on Site Builder Themes only.)

    Learn more about setting up Home Page Redirect Β»

  • 5 years ago

    Oct 26 - Theme Updates (version 1.5.0)


    There’s a new update for Site Builder themes that fixes a few bugs:

    1. All themes: Fixes Social Sign On icons that were elongated on checkout signup page.
    2. All Themes: Fixes Student free trial checkout so that confirm & pay breadcrumb still appears.
    3. All Themes: Fixes FAQ section font size on Checkout pages
    4. Empire & Vision Fixes Student dashboard course cards (if Reviews enabled) so that students can re-enter course once completed.

    To update your theme, head to your Theme Library, and click the Update Theme button (shown above :D ).

    Reminder: Any code customizations will be reset with a theme update.