
  • 4 years ago

    Set Drip Schedule by Course Start Date

    As well as being able to set a drip schedule based on enrollment date, or a specific calendar date, you can now start a drip schedule based on a student's course start date.

    Learn more about drip schedule »

    This works great if you're using bundles or when manually enrolling students — when even though your student is enrolled, they might not access the content right away.

  • 4 years ago

    Add Text and/or Downloads to Video Lessons

    You can now include text and/or downloads in your video lessons!

    In the Course Builder for the New and Improved Student Experience, you'll see a new area at the bottom when you're creating video lessons to add optional content:

    Add optional text.gif

    Learn more about adding text and/or downloads to video lessons »

  • 4 years ago

    Theme Updates (version 1.15.0)


    There’s a new update for all Site Builder themes that:

    • Adds new features (including the ability to add alt text to your site logo, extra form validation, and icons for links that open in new windows)
    • Fixes a few bugs
    • Makes some accessibility updates

    To update your theme, head to your Theme Library, and click the Update Theme button (shown above :D ).

    Reminder: Any code customizations will be reset with a theme update.

  • 4 years ago

    Course Builder Improvements

    It's now even easier to manage your work in the Course Builder with a bunch of workflow improvements to the curriculum sidebar (particularly if you have lots of lessons and/or chapters in course).

    • More detailed lesson information at a glance. Draft lessons are now more clearly indicated, plus you'll see new icons to show lesson settings (like prerequisite, downloadable, etc).
    • New View Options. To make the Course Builder easier to access when you have many lessons, or are using a smaller screen, the "Add Chapter" button is now fixed to the bottom of the screen. Plus you also have the option to expand or collapse all, and switch to a compact view.
      Learn more »
    • Copy Lesson. The "Copy Lesson From" button is now easier to access within each chapter.
    • Bulk Draft Updates. It's now easier to put all lessons within a course in and out of draft mode with the addition of "Apply to all lessons in the course" next to the "Set to draft" checkbox in each lesson.


  • 4 years ago

    Presentation Lesson Improvements

    Presentation lessons are now easier to manage with a ton of improvements based on your feedback. You can now:

    • Upload & download audio per slide (no more having to re-upload the whole PDF document & re-record ALL your audio)
    • Replace one slide (making quick corrections much easier)
    • Require students to view all slides before being able to complete the lesson (on Pro plans and above)
    • Upload PDFs with more than 20 pages

    Plus, the lessons are easier to navigate for students, because:

    • The Previous/Next buttons are now anchored so they’re always in view
    • You can now navigate between slides using the keyboard arrows (and swipe)

    Learn more about Presentation lessons »