
  • 4 years ago

    Improved Preview as Student

    You now have three options to view your course content, giving you a clearer picture of your students' experience:

    student preview.gif

    1. Preview current lesson: View the lesson that you currently have selected in the Course Builder.
    2. Preview all course lessons: This will show you all of your lessons in sequence -- including drafts.
    3. Preview course as an enrolled student: View all courses in sequence, just as a student would experience your course -- but does not show drafts.

    More info here »

  • 4 years ago

    Search Added to Groups Table

    You can now find all of your different Groups directly and easily using a search bar at the top of the page. group search.png

    More info about how to use Groups here »

  • 4 years ago

    Live Lessons with Zoom

    Adding live content to your courses is now easier than ever with the introduction of Live Lessons.

    That means you can schedule and host live interactive video lessons directly within Thinkific using Zoom.

    Learn more about Live Lessons »

    You'll see the Live Lesson option when you add a new lesson to any of your courses.

    Note: Live Lessons will be available on Pro plans and above, but are currently available on all plans until December 31, 2020 to help everyone through these times of economic uncertainty.

  • 4 years ago

    New Quiz & Survey Reporting by Student

    Within each individual student's profile you will now find a "Quiz & Survey" tab. Here you can get a much better sense of each individual's performance across all the courses they're enrolled in. You can now:

    • See all Quizzes and Surveys your student has completed
    • See scores for each quiz
    • Download a CSV of all individual answers

    Find more information about this feature here »

  • 4 years ago

    Updated Page Picker within Site Builder

    The "Page Picker" in Site Builder has been updated to make it easier to choose destination pages on buttons and header links. Here's how:

    • You'll now see a blue reminder state, and a red error state when links are incomplete;
    • Other pages are now grouped under the "Another page…" option;
    • Custom URLs (and emails) are now validated;
    • And if there's only one product when selecting a product checkout page, that option will be automatically selected.

    More info on site builder buttons here »