
  • 4 years ago

    New Languages Added

    You can now change the language of your Thinkific course to Armenian and Azerbaijani -- bringing the total list of supported languages and dialects to 38! In addition to building your course in your own native language, your students can also change the language settings on their end.

    More on your language settings here»

  • 4 years ago

    New Typeform Integration

    You can now easily create personalized and interactive typeforms to collect students' reviews or feedback and automatically sync it with your Thinkific account. You can also pass information through to your typeforms automatically using hidden fields.

    More on the Typeform integration here»


  • 4 years ago

    Edit comments and posts in Communities

    You and your students can now edit your posts and comments in Thinkific Communities, allowing you to fix a typo, switch an attachment, or get that emoji juuuuust right. More info here»

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    Communities are a great way to run cohort-based classes and provide one-to-many feedback outside of the noise and distractions of Facebook.

  • 4 years ago

    Make Bundles Private

    You can now make Bundles private, which allows you to:

    • Manage exclusivity: set up an application or interview process before students can enroll in your course (OR stop new people from enrolling after you reach a certain limit).
    • Manage students at scale: it's now easier than ever to bulk enroll students into specific courses, all while preserving reporting at the Bundle-level.
    • B2B selling: create exclusive programs for private clients, without others being able enroll in these bundles without your permission.

    Your private Bundles can include both public and private courses, giving you the flexibility to set access however you want.

    More info here »

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  • 4 years ago

    New Intercom Integration

    You can now connect your Thinkific and Intercom accounts, which allows you to see the full context of who you are chatting with and gives you the ability to manage their account (add or remove them from courses) directly from the chat. More info here »
