
  • 7 years ago

    NOV 1 - Export Affiliate Balances as a CSV

    You can now export your approved outstanding affiliates' balances as a CSV file to make your payments via PayPal easier! Look for this button on your Affiliates screen:

  • 7 years ago

    OCT 25 - Snippets in Themes

    Snippets now work for the new themes! For example, if you were having trouble updating your custom site text, everything should be good to go now.

  • 7 years ago

    OCT 18 - Student Language Selector

    You can now allow your enrolled students to select the language they want to see when interacting with the courses on your site!

    Find this new functionality under Basic Settings > Language Settings and enable it by checking the box Allow students to override the site language.

    Please keep in mind that this setting applies to any standard content generated from Thinkific's end for course player content (i.e. buttons, chapter titles, etc.) and the landing pages (i.e. buttons, site menu, etc.), but any content manually written or uploaded by you will still need to be translated by you.

    This will, however, give everything a more consistent experience if you're offering courses in other languages!

  • 7 years ago

    OCT 14 - Charitable Donation Badges & Social Sharing Images

    Two quick updates to share before the weekend!

    When you share your courses on social media (whether it's Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other networks) we will automatically display your course card as the preview image! This allows you to control a better brand match between what your users click and what they see on your page.

    When you choose to donate part of your course earnings to our partner charity, you will  automatically get access to a downloadable badge that you can display on your site. Thanks for your support!

  • 7 years ago

    OCT 12 - Latest Feature Improvements

    Bundles - Students will now receive new content you add to bundles within a few hours, rather than upon monthly subscription renewal.

    Coupons - You can now search by keyword for coupons you've created!

    Discussions - The admin interface has been improved so content previews display more cleanly.

    Languages - Polish translations are now supported.

    Support - You will now be able to search our Knowledge Base for solutions from directly within the admin dashboard. Look for the little blue "Help" tab in the bottom right corner and click to expand.