
  • 7 years ago

    JUN 9 - Integrations Get a Face Lift!

    If you're looking to integrate your existing marketing and sales stacks with Thinkific, we've made it a lot easier to find the app you're looking to connect!

    Go to your Integrations page in the Admin Dashboard to see what I mean!

  • 7 years ago

    JUN 7 - Sort Orders by Date!

    Want to quickly view recent orders this month, over the last month, or even year? How about a custom time period when you ran that amazing promotion? Want to export that data too?

    Now you can by sorting and exporting with the new date picker on your Orders report:

    Give it a try by going to Orders in your Admin Dashboard menu, under Reports!

  • 7 years ago

    JUN 6 - SSL for Everyone!

    Now available for any Thinkific course creator: Free SSL certificates for your course site, even if you have a custom domain!

    Just head over to your your course site's Advanced Settings to enable SSL:

    If you want to learn more about Thinkific's SSL certificates you can find more information at our knowledge base.

    If you're not sure why you should enable SSL on your course site, head over to our freshest blog post on the topic right here.

  • 7 years ago

    APR 18 - Enroll New Users As You Create Them!

    You can now enroll the user you're creating in a published course on your Thinkific site in one step!

    You can also save your changes to create the user and then immediately start on your next manually added user using the new "Save & Create Another" button:

  • 7 years ago

    APR 11 - Download your videos!

    Ever lose a video and the only place you have it backed up is on your Thinkific course site?! Well, we wanted to make it less of a hassle for you to download the videos you upload to your course site's video library, so we added a button!

    Say hello to my little friend, the Download button: